InfoRad Text Messaging When a failure to communicate is not an option.®



Modem Manufacturer Links

Here are links to popular modem support websites.


Controller-based external serial or internal PCI  modems offer the best results.

If using a USB modem, we suggest only Controller-based USB modems.

Controller-less USB modems, Winmodems, and Softmodems are not recommended as they can be unreliable, especially at lower baud rates still used by many Messaging Services terminal modems.

Customers experience good results with US Robotics controller-based modems.


For Example:


External serial modems:

USR5686G (56K - listed under both consumer and business class)

USR3453C or current model 5686G-PRO - this is their Courier line - 56K business/enterprise modem


Internal modems:

USR5610C (56k - listed as a Pro model & business class modem)


USB modems:

USR5637 (56K - listed under both consumer and business class)


For more information on US Robotics modems see:

(Mouse over the "Enterprise/Business Modems"  & "Internal Modems"  & “ External Modems” links to see the choices and then from there you can link to the different models.)


USR Modem Comparison page:

(in feature list see “Controller-Based”)


If not US Robotics modems:


Typically good results with modems that use the Conexant Chipset.

Choose brand name modems over generic / cheap OEM type modems.


Modems with on board controllers are more reliable than controller-less Winmodems (Ex: Agere, Lucent) & Softmodems. Some Softmodems may work if your Messaging Service connection is at higher baud rates, but will not connect or be reliable at the low baud rates still used by many messaging service terminals.


MODEM Setup:

 If the modem will  not connect using the system modem configuration settings, you can try a  Modem Initialization string (Setup menu – Communications) that “dumbs down” the modem to make a basic 1200 baud connection and see if that helps.


You can also try changing the Flow Control to None in Communications settings (try with init string and with system settings)  (but usually RTS/CTS will work).


You may have to experiment with Messaging Service baud rate and Modem initialization string settings.


Start with Messaging Service Port settings @ 1200 Baud 7,E,1


In Setup Menu - Communications, select “Override the system’s modem configuration…” and click on Create String button.


For 1200 Baud:


If string ends with +MS=B212, leave as is and try.


If string ends in S37=0, change to S37=5.


If string ends in &N0, change to &N2.


(Some modems may work with Messaging Service Port settings with Baud rate set to max, Error Correction and Data Compression selected, and the Communication settings set to “Use the system’s modem configuration”.)

We also recommend that you have the latest modem driver downloaded and installed directly from the manufacturer's website or media (Floppy Diskette/CD-ROM) that came with the modem.

NOTE: Conexant is not a Modem Manufacturer. Conexant is a manufacturer of chipsets used by PC and Modem OEMs. Conexant  urges users to look to their manufacturers for help first. Conexant offers generic modem drivers for their chipsets. Conexant makes the following statement: "It is important to realize that these drivers are not specifically designed for the modem you have and as such will not allow users to enjoy the full customized features of their modems that the original driver software would allow. Additionally, it is also paramount to understand that Conexant makes no guarantees that the generic software downloaded from this site (the site link above)  will even work with your modem."

InfoRad Wireless Communications Settings

If you attempt to "Create" a modem init string (using Create in InfoRad Wireless in Setup, Communications, Modem Configuration, "Override System configuration"), and the initial string does not work, try editing the characters at the end of the string. 

Here is what you can try if:

Conexant / Conexant chip set modems

When creating an init string for Conexant modems they generally end in these 5 characters: "S37=0"

We suggest replacing the final 5 characters with a "+MS=B212" (or just add +MS=B212 to the end) for 1200 baud or  "+MS=B103" for 300 baud. Once fixed, click OK and send a test page to make sure that the Modem is now communicating with your paging company or paging system.

3 Com/US Robotics (Sportster)/X2/Telepath series modems

When creating an init string for older USR modems they generally end in these 5 characters:


We suggest replacing the final character 0(zero) with a "2" for 1200 baud (K0&N2) or a "1" for 300 baud (K0&N1). "0" allows the modem to negotiate on its own, and allowing the modem to negotiate on its own may not work. Also, when editing the end of the modem init string, sometimes it is necessary to add "&MO" (K0&N0&M0) to force asynchronous communication. 

Once fixed, click OK and send a test page to make sure that the Modem is now communicating with your paging company or paging system.

Hayes/Hayes Compatible/Rockwell Chip/K..Flex modems

if end of string reads "S37=0" then try "S37=5" for 1200 baud or "S37=3" for 300 baud (regardless if the prior 2 characters were N1)

if end of string reads "N1S37=0" then try "N0S37=5" for 1200 baud or "N0S37=3" for 300 baud

if end of string reads "S37=0+MS=69,1,1200,1200" then try "S37=5+MS=69,0,1200,1200" for 1200 baud or "S37=3+MS=64,0,300,300" for 300 baud (regardless if the prior 2 characters were N1)

if end of string reads "N1S37=0+MS=69,1,1200,1200" then try "N0S37=5+MS=69,0,1200,1200" for 1200 baud or "N0S37=3+MS=64,0,300,300" for 300 baud.

Once fixed, click OK and send a test page to make sure that the Modem is now communicating with your paging company or paging system.

If you Receive Error 1104 (Could not access modem) upon clicking on the Create button, then Click Here to troubleshoot error 1104 first.

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