SMTP Messaging Service
make sure that under the Setup Menu | Internet
Settings | Other tab you have an email
address entered in the Reply-To Address
(Edit Menu in Controller for
Enterprise SV / Watch-IT ASCII SV.)
In the Enterprise or Enterprise
SV the Reply-To Address can be set on the
Server and/or the Clients. (If there is no Client
Reply-To Address set, then the Server Reply-To Address will be used.)
The Client Reply-To Address field found in the Setup Menu -
(In older versions the Reply-To field
is found in the “Email/SMTP” tab or the “ReplyTO”
Without an email address in the Reply-To
Address field, some SMTP email servers may reject
the message, and the cell phone carriers may either
delay the message by processing through further SPAM
detection filters (delay may be from minutes up to
12 hours) or simply may not forward the message to the
The subject line is optional, unless your email
server requires a specific entry to allow sending.
You can get your outgoing email server settings from
your email client software (such as Outlook,
Outlook Express, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc.). Enter
your outgoing mail server settings in a new Messaging
Service (including alternate port number, Authentication and SSL settings if
required), and then assign your Receiver(s) (in Edit
Menu |
Receivers) to use this new Messaging Service. The
Receiver Setup should use the email address of the device
for the Receiver ID.
Some common cell phone provider email
address formats:
US Cellular:
You can see more service providers' email address
formats at:
Many ISP mail servers are also preprogrammed into
the installed database. Also, our website shows many
setup examples for Internet Service Providers
outgoing mail servers at the same link above.
You can use this new Messaging Service (using your
outgoing email service) to send to any email
address. Many cell phones, pagers, and other
wireless devices are accessible in this way.
Please note when using an internal mail server like Exchange,
Lotus, or GroupWise that Relay permission is
typically turned off for SPAM prevention purposes.
Your email server administrator will need to grant
Relay permissions to
the machine running the InfoRad server (in
the case of Enterprise or Watch-IT products), or to
the machine(s) running the InfoRad desktop
application. Email servers that do not have Relay
permissions set will typically respond with a 6203
error, and/or error statements such as “Relay not allowed”
or “Invalid address”.
Below is a generic SMTP setup and associated screen shots. An
example SMTP setup using Google Gmail follows.
Create the SMTP Messaging Service:
Edit menu | Messaging Services | New (or select
existing from list and open to edit)
Name: Your
Outgoing Mail Server (set to your desired name)
Max Message Length: 160
Send Messages via:
internet email (SMTP)
Email Server: your email server address EX: (can also be IP address)
Port number: 25 (change if required
- typical 25, 587, 465)
Server requires SSL –
secured connection: select if required
SMTP Authentication:
Outgoing mail server requires authentication: select
if required
Account name: enter your
email address
Password: enter your
email account password

Receiver Setup:
Name: name of person (or as desired to
identify Receiver)
Receiver's ID or E-mail address:
phone email address (or email address)
Messaging Service: select your
outgoing mail server you created

Example using Google Gmail:
Edit or create the Google Gmail Messaging Service:
Edit menu | Messaging Services | New (or select
Google Gmail from list and open to edit)
Name: Google Gmail– Secure SMTP
Max Message Length: 160
Send Messages via:
internet email (SMTP)
Email Server:
Port number: 465
Server requires SSL –
secured connection: selected (checked)
SMTP Authentication:
Outgoing mail server
requires authentication: selected (checked)
Account name: enter your
Gmail address
Password: enter your
Gmail account password