Paging Software for Wireless Messaging to PCS phones, Alphanumeric Pagers, and PDA's InfoRad's FAQs 
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1. (1104) Local Error: Could not access modem

  • The first question to ask: "Do you not have a high speed Internet connection or does your paging company not support text messaging via the Internet?" If you have a high speed Internet connection and your paging or cellular company supports Internet text messaging, then change your Receiver (under Edit, Receivers) to use an Internet Messaging Service (WCTP, SNPP, or SMTP). If you are unsure whether or not your paging company supports text messaging via the Internet, then call your local paging representative to find out for sure. Most, if not all, cellular companies support text messaging via Internet email (Show Me) or via the Internet SNPP (Show Me).

    Otherwise, if you know that you do need to dialup to your paging company, then here is another question: "Does InfoRad software show a name of a modem under Setup, Communications?" This error indicates that your InfoRad software is not communicating properly with the modem, no modem exists on the Com Port, your modem is not properly connected to your PC, or the modem is not powered up.

  • Restart the PC. This could be because the port that the Modem uses could not be opened (port was busy, or it does not exist, etc.) or because the Modem itself did not respond (Modem is turned off, or is using another port, etc.). So make sure that the Modem is working properly and is not being used by another program. Many times, it is helpful just to restart the PC, especially after new updates have been installed.

If it is an external Modem, it’s more obvious that the Modem is turned on and working properly. Make sure the lights are working as they should and make sure that the Modem’s serial cable is properly seated at both ends (at the Modem itself and at the PC). Also, make sure that the phone line is plugged into the Line side of the Modem and that (if a phone is plugged into the Modem) the phone is plugged into the Phone side of the Modem.

If all this checks out ok, then continue on below.

  • Reinstall the InfoRad software (Walk Me Through). During the installation, make sure to choose to "Keep the existing files/paging database" and when prompted, "Override the system's modem configuration..." and click on Create to make sure that the InfoRad software is able to communicate with the Modem. If a string is generated, the test is complete, click it back to "Use the system's modem configuration..." Click OK to finish the installation. Try sending another test page.

  • Reinstall or Upgrade the Modem's driver. Make sure to restart the computer if the Modem's driver installation program requires. You may also want to reinstall the InfoRad software again as directed above and see if the software is able to communicate with the Modem during the installation as described.

  • Get/Try another Modem. This is the last resort that no one really wants to hear. However, getting a new Modem or trying a different Modem may be the easiest way to resolve this issue at this point. InfoRad Tech Supports recommends any type of Modem with a “Conexant” chipset or any US Robotics Modem (Internal PCI or External Serial – not USB. We do not recommend USB Modems because of their Win-modem resemblance).

  • Registered Users - Contact InfoRad Tech Support. If you are beyond the point of frustration after exhausting all efforts above, the please contact us so that we can help.

2. (6203) Network Error: Host returned error code

This is a popular error among InfoRad users who are sending text messages to cell phones via Internet email. Continue Reading If you are sending text messages via Internet SMTP or email. Otherwise, Refer to SNPP Below.
  • The most common occurrence is InfoRad users that are connecting directly to cellular company email servers (Ie. Verizon's Therefore, we recommend that you either setup the InfoRad software to use your own outgoing email (SMTP) server or use some other 3rd party, commercial email server that you can depend on (Like maybe Google's Secure SMTP Server).

  • Another common occurrence is caused by an Internet Service Provider or network that does not allow you to connect to email servers outside of their own domain. We recommend that you first try using the email server provided by your Internet Service Provider. Click Here to view InfoRad's list of ISPs. If you use Outlook, then you may find this information in Outlook normally under Tools, Services (Outlook 2000) or Tools, Email Accounts (Newer). You would need to know your outgoing email (SMTP) server address and whether or not it requires authentication. Once you have that information, for any Receiver that uses an email address for the Receiver's ID, you can enter a New Messaging Service using the email server information you obtained from above (ShowMe).

  • Some Cases show that the connection to the email server is being blocked by some firewall or antivirus software. If you are familiar with configuring your antivirus or firewall software, then add an exception for the InfoRad software (normally, Winpage.exe is the executable and port 25 for SMTP). An alternative is to try disabling the antivirus software from scanning outgoing email. However, you may want to keep it scanning your incoming email. Sometimes, there is a website url in the response coming back from the hardware (in the error message itself) that provides you with a link to which you can browse and have yourself removed from the Spam blocking list. If this is the case, then we would caution you to investigate this issue further before you find yourself on this list again and not be able to have yourself removed from it. Check with your local Internet Service Provider and/or antivirus software to find out what their rules are concerning Spam. You may have to follow these rules to prevent yourself from ending up on such a list.

  • Sometimes an email server will tell you that the email address you entered is incorrect. For instance, setup a Receiver to send to and select Verizon PCS – Internet SMTP for the Service (make sure that you also have your own email address entered under Setup, Internet Settings, ReplyTo Address). Send a test text message and you’ll get error 6203 indicating that is not a valid Verizon (vtext) email address. To fix, correct the email address and try again.

  • One instance can be caused by not having a ReplyTo Email Address entered under Setup, Internet Settings. (Show Me)

  • Other cases have shown that an this error can occur when an email server (Messaging Service) requires authentication but either the InfoRad Wireless software does not have SMTP Authentication enabled or an incorrect username and password is entered (under Edit, Messaging Services for version 9.7.X and higher. Version 9.6.X does not support SMTP Authentication. You will need to upgrade your software. Call (800) 228-8998 for upgrade options).

  • 7/17/07 - A Customer was receiving error 6203 when using own exchange server as a Messaging Service to send to cell phone emails. The Response from the email server showed WSAEWOULDBLOCK, which is a Windows Sockets Error 10035 according to Microsoft ( Refer to ). To fix, the customer changed from using the loopback address ( to the network IP of the exchange server.

  • 11/27/07 - Make sure you check that the Messaging Service is setup correctly. This is what happened when I had the wrong SMTP Server Address entered for the Messaging Service (it should have been instead of The Receiver ID, of course, is I received error 6203 and the Response from hardware (in the error message) showed the following:

    VerifySmtpConnection: Checking connectivity to SMTP server smtp_host: smtp_port: 25 WaitForData timed out. Failed to get initial response. The SMTP server may be denying access for this domain.

    Another clue indicating that you may have the Messaging Service setup incorrectly can be found in the Response from hardware (in the error message). It is similar to the following:

    SendEmail: SMTP_Connect: Connecting to SMTP server smtp_host: smtp_port: 25 smtp_user: NULL trying_auth_method: NONE InitialResponse: ESMTP Exim 3.36 #1 Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:58:54 -0500220-NO UCE. EarthLink does not authorize the use of its computers or network220 equipment to deliver, accept, transmit, or distribute unsolicited e-mail. login_method: NONE or already authenticated CONNECTED to ESMTP server subject: from: recipients: 550 Authentication required. Help at Failed when sending RCPT TO: bad_address: Send failed.

    Therefore, to fix you would go under Edit, Messaging Services, and edit the Messaging Service being used for that Receiver(s). Check the box for "My server requires authtentication" and enter a valid email address and password.
If you're sending via the Internet SNPP (supported by Nextel or Alltel phones and numerous paging companies - ShowMe), then it could be that you have an incorrect Receiver ID entered. Make sure that you are using the ten-digit phone number of the pager or cell phone. Do not use dashes, spaces, or parentheses. When this error happens, the explanation text sent by the SNPP server will be included on the error screen along with this error message. That explanation should provide more detail on why the transaction failed. The explanation might be, for example, "550 Error, pager ID must be 10 digits" or "550 Error, pager ID cannot be identified" and so on.
  • Click Edit, Receivers and make sure you have the correct seven or ten-digit phone number entered. Do not use dashes, spaces, or parentheses.

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